Wednesday, August 27, 2008

McCain Says Construction Workers Under Stress Because They Won't Pick Lettuce for Fifty Dollars an Hour in Yuma Valley

In the above video, John McCain insists that lettuce pickers in Yuma valley earn fifty dollars an hour "for the whole season". He tells a construction worker that he wouldn't do the same work, even for fifty dollars an hour, "because you can't do it, my friend."

I found the above video over at DailyWhitosphere. The user who posted this video hasn't got a single minority link on his entire user bloglist. That's why, as much as this participant might want to work against McCain s/he is bound, tied, and neutered by her/his own inability to join with others, regardless of skin color and ethnicity, in the fight for human and economic rights for all.


Anonymous said...

Interesting that you state: "hasn't got a single minority link on his entire user bloglist. That's join with others, regardless of skin color and ethnicity, ...".

Yet you contradict yourself in the same sentence. You want it regardless or color or ethnicity, but you slight him for not basing his content on race. You can't have it both ways.

I am not a B. Obama supporter. I am also not a McCain supporter. I think both sides are just nasty mean spirited. I suppose my comments will be omitted, as freedom of speech in this country seems to have been taken away.

Francis Holland said...

PaulaVA, you seem to be acknowledging that you don't have a single Black blogger linked on your entire bloglist. Then, instead of simply adding one, you offer an excuse based on MY behavior that "explains" why it is not necessary for you to have a single minority blogger on your bloglist.

Well, remember this. Barack Obama would have to be elected by a multi-colored coalition or not elected at all. Your bloglist says that you don't want to participate in a multicolored coalition, so if John McCain is elected in November, you white people who hate bloglist diversity will have only yourselves to blaim.